Art Journalling challenge blog offering one monthly challenge, fantastic Design Team inspiration, and our monthly magazine, Artful Pages.

Join us, enjoy the journey and have some creative fun! We have an amazing new sponsor for our challenge!

21 April, 2020

Special Guest Spotlight on Margarita Shkludova

We are so excited to introduce you to Margarita Shkludova from Belarus this month! We absolutely adored her February entry that featured rust and old ships, so we were thrilled when she agreed to be our Guest Designer.

MARGARITA: Hello, creative souls! My name is Margarita Shkludova. And this month I will share my inspiration with you as a guest designer. I have loved creativity since childhood! I’ve been in scrapbooking for 5 years and I love mix media with all my heart! Paints, waxes, pastes are my passion. And I like to share my mood and inspiration.You can get to know my art in the following social media links. May the inspiration be with you!  Bye-Bye!

Here is a reminder of our April Main Challenge.

Word Inspiration:  EVERYDAY
Creative Inspiration:  BUGS AND BIRDS

Margarita's interpretation of our challenge:

Margarita: I live in Belarus. This is a country full of forests and lakes. So I made a forest layout embellished with some of the BUGS that live in it. The forest surrounds me EVERYDAY. I see it from the windows, I go for a walk there, I like to breathe air filled with aromas of fir and pine trees. This is my familiar world, which is full of natural magic!

A big THANK YOU to Margarita for joining us as our April Special Guest!

We hope that Margarita's beautiful project inspires you to join us 

Link up your projects below, using our InLinkz Tool, by April 30th at 1:00am EST.


  1. Oh wow - your forest sounds as beuatiful as your layout! This is superb! The layering and the forest feel are wonderful. Thanks for being our Guest Designer this month!

  2. Рита, до чего же красивая страничка!!!! Восторг!!!


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