Art Journalling challenge blog offering one monthly challenge, fantastic Design Team inspiration, and our monthly magazine, Artful Pages.

Join us, enjoy the journey and have some creative fun! We have an amazing new sponsor for our challenge!

01 September, 2022

September 2022 Main Challenge - PLAYLIST and EPHEMERA

 Hello everyone! Are you ready for another month of wonderful challenge fun from More Than Words?

This month we want you to be inspired by your favourite PLAYLIST and to add EPHEMERA to your pages. As you will see from our Design Team inspiration, there are many types of Playlist and it doesn't have to mean music playlists!

We also are excited to share the third issue of our new digital magazine - Artful Pages - more details below!

But first, let's look at this month's art journal challenge!

Helpful Tips For The Challenge

We would like you to be inspired by both parts of our challenge
- our word inspiration PLAYLIST and our creative challenge - ADD EPHEMERA.
We can't wait to see what you do and if you need more inspiration, you might find our new magazine useful!

As mentioned at the top of the post, we are excited to share the latest issue of our new digital magazine - Artful Pages - which is a new way of looking at our challenges and inspiration, as well as being able to add more value for our readers which we are not able to do in our current formats.  So here's a look at our latest issue which is available to flick through online just like a real magazine.  The magazine contains more about our challenges this month, our Design Team inspiration, Guest Designer interviews, studio spaces, arting in the wild and more!  Check it out and see for yourself - we would love your feedback!

Let's see what our lovely new Design Team have created this month - we have a variety of Playlist ideas to share with you...


Ann says:  My page has a playlist of my favorite insects. I want to make all my favorite insects into insect cards.

Visit Ann:  



Elle says:  My playlist is my list of audiobooks for August (at the time of creating my page) inside a library setting with lots and lots of lovely books.  I am a bit of a bookworm and hoarder of books, and as a librarian, have always liked the idea of having my own secret library, so my playlist had to be books! The books on the sides are flaps that fold in to hide the secret library. Please visit my blog and instagram to see the secret library in action!




Heather is on vacation




Helen says:  I love music! All kinds, all the time! I don't have a particular favourite playlist, as I play what strikes my fancy at the time! I do sing out loud but I wouldn't recommend being in the same room when I do! LOL! (ask my family!). This fun art journal page represents what music means to me today!




Kat says: The theme of my art journal is music! I love all kinds of music, so I don't have a favourite playlist. I think music is a great bridge for different nationalities and generations. It is important that we ONLY - LISTEN TO OUR HEART. I am very interested in your works.




Lisa says: When an art exhibition hits Sydney, its like a calling to one's creative spirit. My playlist includes just a few of the artists I have been fortunate enough to peruse in the past few years. My ephemera comes from the gift shop of the galleries hosting the event.




Matilde says:  My page has a vintage look and a playlist of my favourite books. I love reading books and here are only five which I've chosen. It's so relaxing to sit at a comfortable armchair and read favourite story




Rachel says:  The soundtrack of my summer is my fantastic love story. Our love story is my favorite playlist!




Rox says:  Blackbird singing in the dead of night…. by the Beatles is definitely a song on my playlist…. and was the inspiration for my art journal page.




Sarah is on vacation




Sharon says:  I made my PLAYLIST about my favorite songs from my childhood up to the 80's. ("Strike a Pose" is a line from the song "Vogue" by Madonna!) I typed my playlist of on a tag and tucked it behind the image. I used some of my favorite EPHEMERA from my stash around the page. This was so fun to make!




Sunila says:  This was such a fun spread to create. I went retro here, creating a vintage page, with a list like appearance on the right incorporating the essence of Time. For my Playlist, I created an envelope vellum pocket and inserted it. I've giving a tribute to by favourite songs by Juice Newton, and I felt it apt to use the face of a woman on the page on the right. I've added ephemera bits on the page.



As previously mentioned in the Art Café Facebook Group, we have suspended all prizes until further notice due to the current world situation.

Special Guest Designer

This year we invite our winners to be our Special Guest Designers. If you are one of our winners this year, please contact us for more details.

Feedburner Subscribe by Email

Google has made the decision to retire this feature, and so the Feedburner subscribe by email option is going away.  If you are already subscribing to our blog updates by email, don't worry as we have moved everything to a new service, so you won't miss any updates!  If you are not currently receiving our blog updates by email and you would like to, please click on the link below, to make that happen.   

To follow us on other social media, please visit the links at the top right of the page.

Engage with us!

Tell us what you think in the comments below!  Please leave your comments at the end of this post.  
Are you entering the challenge?  
Do you feel inspired by our fabulous DT this month?
Did you enjoy our new magazine?

Challenge closes on the last day of the month at 11:59 pm EST.  You can join the challenge using the inlinkz below 

Or in our Facebook Group, using the September Main Challenge Album!  

Or you can enter on Instagram by tagging us and using the hashtags: #mtwmainplaylist and #mtwmainchallenge. 

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